Fan Casting Tanoai Reed as Gladiator in Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie

ceejeezy made this fan casting suggestion on February 27, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Tanoai Reed as Gladiator in Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie

Tanoai Reed

50 years old
Tanoai is a cousin of Dwayne Johnson, and doubles him as well.
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Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie

Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie

by Tanner Studios, Jam Filled Entertainment
The universe is on fire. Hundreds of worlds are at war. Never has there been such hatred and division across the cosmos. Now, more than ever, the Galaxy needs Guardians - but in the aftermath of th...
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0 comments on Tanoai Reed as Gladiator in Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie

Tanoai Reed is known for his roles in Daredevil, Iron Man 2, and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. He has been suggested by fans for 57 roles on myCast, including The Rock in John Cena Biopic. Similar actors include Dwayne Johnson, Michael James Shaw, and Vitor Belfort. Tanoai Reed was suggested to play Gladiator in Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie by ceejeezy. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Tom Cruise and Dwayne Johnson. Guardians of the Galaxy: Lego Movie has 24 roles, including Gamora, Mantis, and Starfox.

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