Fan CastingGreta: Having a Cancer (2021 Sequel)
MPAA Ratings: R Genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
by Focus Features, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment,
Story added by anthonyneal on August 4, 2021
Since on Greta (2019) has been forgotten, Frances been having a lot of health problems. Frances was bedridden, and she was missing out on a lot of work, so Frances' boss called her one day, and told her that she was fired. So her work isn’t going well, she kept on getting more and more sick, and because she’s been so sick, it has cause a lot of stress on her marriage, so her boyfriend told her one day… that he was leaving me but without Erica. So her marriage has fallen apart. And then yesterday… She received a letter from the doctor, she found out the reason that I’ve been so sick, is because… she has cancer… it’s in its final stage more
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