A Mass Effect style rpg that follows a team of Green Lanterns. The story opens with Sinestro unleashing Parallax and decimating the corp. Now the Guardians task the remaining lanterns with rebuilding the ranks, safeguarding nearby worlds, and defeating Parallax and the new Sinestro Corp. read more
A Mass Effect style rpg that follows a team of Green Lanterns. The story opens with Sinestro unleashing Parallax and decimating the corp. Now the Guardians task the remaining lanterns with rebuilding the ranks, safeguarding nearby worlds, and defeating Parallax and the new Sinestro Corp.
Earth's second Green Lantern, is constant source of advice for Rayner. Is the playable protagonist of the DLC where you bring Kyle Rayner and Katma Tui to arrest the Dictator Kanjar Ro.
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