Fan Casting Howard Hawks as Writer of Goldwater

user_77995 made this fan casting suggestion on October 10, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Howard Hawks as Writer in Goldwater

Howard Hawks

Howard Winchester Hawks (May 30, 1896 – December 26, 1977) was an American film director, producer and screenwriter of the classic Hollywood era. He is popular for his films from a wide range of ge...
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Fan Casting

Howard Hawks





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by Vittorio Abbate
Seems that the man was respected by both GQP and Dems why we doesn't have a biopic about him yet? Let's look what would be an biopic of him released... but at the time when he was alive.
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Howard Hawks is known for his roles in The Big Sleep, Rio Bravo, and Bringing Up Baby. He has been suggested by fans for 63 roles on myCast, including Writer in Jurassic Park (1960's). Similar people include Alfred Hitchcock, Christopher Nolan, and Tim Burton. Howard Hawks was suggested to play Writer in Goldwater by user_77995. Goldwater has 16 roles, including Peggy Goldwater, Producer, and Composer.

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