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Physical Appearance of Howard Hastur
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  • Ethnicity: edit
    White / European Descent
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  • Facial Hair: edit
    Long Beard
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  • Nationality: edit
    United States

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1 comment on Howard Hastur

  • toonking1985 "The cult is led by Howard Hastur, who has led the cult for over 40 years. As an aspiring archeologist, he had been studying the history of The Ghidorah Cult for many years. But after losing his beloved wife to a Godzilla attack, Howard's mental state was forever decimated. 3 years after his tragedy, Howard yearned for new meaning in his life. Since then, he's been determined to get his revenge on Godzilla and turned his faith toward a cause much greater than himself, dedicating his entire livelihood to The Ghidorah Cult. After officially earning the rank of cult leader, he was hailed by The Xilien Kings, themselves, who embroidered him with one of their own eyes. This mystic eye gives Howard enhanced strength, agility, and stamina, allowing him to accomplish superhuman feats far beyond any mortal man. In public, he keeps his mystic eye hidden with an eyepatch." ~ nerdsman567