Gears of War is a 2026 American military science fiction action film written and directed by Roland Emmerich and based on the video game franchise of the same name. Produced by Legendary Pictures and The Stone Quarry and distributed by Lionsgate Films, it is the first installment in the Gears of War trilogy, a franchise that is set in the same universe as the games as well as in-between the events of the main games and the RAAM's Shadow DLC. Gears of War features an ensemble cast that includes Sasha Calle, Ian Whyte, Diego Tinoco, Sung Kang, Trevante Rhodes, Emilia Clarke, Chris Pratt, Karl Urban, Cate Blanchett, Liev Schreiber, Jack Quaid, Jason Momoa, Robert Patrick, and Liam Neeson. The film follows Clementine Valera, a stranded and the younger sister of a gear who died one year ago, as she joins the Coalition of Gears and is placed in Delta squad, later going into conflict with the cruel Locust general RAAM in the snowy landscape near Mount Kadar. Gears of War opened in theaters on December 1st, 2026; it received generally positive reviews from critics and audiences who praised the atmosphere, visuals, story, action sequences, Hans Zimmer's musical score, direction, performances (particularly Calle, Whyte, Pratt, and Patrick), and faithfulness to the source material, but critics found the violent content too graphically similar to the games and criticized its long running time. It was also a box-office success, grossing $853 million worldwide. A sequel is in development
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