Tales from the Pizzaplex is an anthology series of mystery horror novels of the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise. The books are written by Scott Cawthon with various authors and published by Scholastic Inc. First revealed on October 14, 2021, the series first began on July 19, 2022 with the release of the first book - Lally's Game - and will continue releasing installments every few months.
Fan Casting
Roxanne Wolf
Tales from the Pizzaplex
Glamrock Freddy
Freddy Fazbear
Bonnie the Bunny
Chica the Chicken
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Moon (FNaF)
Foxy the Pirate Fox
Golden Freddy
DJ Music Man
Eclipse (Daycare Attendant / Sun / Moon)
Sun (FNaF)
Gregory (FNaF)
The Mimic
Mr. Hippo
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