Foxy the Pirate, also known as Foxy, is one of the four original animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and a major antagonist in the Five Nights at Freddy's series. Foxy is a discontinued animatronic pirate fox entertainer. He resides at his own separate stage in the pizzeria. Undisclosed to Fazbear Entertainment, Inc. and to the public, Foxy and the other original animatronics are possessed by children murdered by a man named William Afton. Due to this, he and the others are now seeking revenge against their killer by attacking any adults in the pizzeria after-hours in blind rage.
Fan Casting
Foxy the Pirate Fox
Withered Foxy
Phantom Foxy
Phantom Mangle
Nightmare Foxy
Funtime Foxy
Rockstar Foxy
Grimm Foxy
Fritz (FNaF)
Radioactive Foxy
Ringmaster Foxy
Magician Mangle
Serpent Mangle
Big Bad Foxy
Tangle (FNaF)
Jangle (FNaF)
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