Imperious and proud northerners, the Vaprans typically had white or raven black hair and fair skin, perfect for camouflaging themselves in their snowy homeland on the northern coast of the Silver Sea. The Vapra Clan was considered the oldest, most cultured and intellectual of all the clans, and was dominant at the start of the Age of Resistance, with their Maudra Mayrin serving as the All-Maudra to the entire Gelfling race from their capital in Ha'rar.
Fan Casting
Ayesha (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Brea (The Dark Crystal)
Kira (The Dark Crystal)
Princess Zelda
Odin (marvel cinematic universe)
Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Mon Mothma
Bail Organa
Padmé Amidala
Melia Antiqua
King Harold
Queen Lillian
Jocasta Nu
Lyra Silvertongue
Daenerys Targaryen
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