Fan Casting Elizabeth Collins Stoddard as Hummingbird in Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar

library_ocean made this fan casting suggestion on October 17, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard as Hummingbird in Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar

Elizabeth Collins StoddardUnited States

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard is a character from the American gothic soap opera Dark Shadows (1966-1971). Born into the wealthy Collins family, Elizabeth eventually married an avaricious man named Pa...
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Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar

Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar

Daemons, Palismans
You can add as many animals as you like in as many breeds as you like. The only rule is do NOT be weird about "spirit animals;" see here for more info:
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0 comments on Elizabeth Collins Stoddard as Hummingbird in Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard has been suggested by fans for 45 roles on myCast, including 'Elisheva' / Ἐλισάβετ (Elisabet / Elisabeth / Elisheba / Elizabeth / Isabelle) in Characters by Name but I'm Excruciatingly Thorough. Similar actors include Barnabas Collins, Roger Collins, and Carolyn Stoddard. Elizabeth Collins Stoddard was suggested to play Hummingbird in Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar by library_ocean. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Lanie Holland and Skuld (Kingdom Hearts). Fictional Characters Sorted by Familiar has 919 roles, including Cat (Generic), Wolf (Generic), and Lion.

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