Fan Casting Arnold Perlstein as Clio in Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting

connieblackwood made this fan casting suggestion on November 25, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Arnold Perlstein as Clio in Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting

Arnold PerlsteinUnited States

38 years old
Arnold Perlstein is a fictional character from The Magic School Bus, who has been featured in both the book and TV series respectively. He is a student at Walkerville Elementary School and the clas...
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Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting

Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting

Fictional Characters by Camp Jupiter Sorting
by Rick Riordan
blorbo sorting begins NOW
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0 comments on Arnold Perlstein as Clio in Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting

Arnold Perlstein has been suggested by fans for 52 roles on myCast, including Hufflepuff in Sorting Fictional Characters into Hogwarts Houses (My Version). Similar actors include Goofy, Janet Perlstein, and Keesha Franklin. Arnold Perlstein was suggested to play Clio in Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting by connieblackwood. Other actors sugggested to play this role include The Doctor, Annie Smith, and Ms. Frizzle. Fictional Characters by Camp Half-Blood Sorting has 48 roles, including Aphrodite/Venus, Athena/Minerva, and Poseidon/Neptune.

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