Fan Casting Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper) as Come to Your Senses - tick, tick... BOOM! in Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters.

connieblackwood made this fan casting suggestion on October 22, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper) as Come to Your Senses - tick, tick... BOOM! in Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters.

Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper)United States

20 years old
Katherine "Kate" Fitzgerald is a major character in the 2004 novel "My Sister's Keeper," a frail teenage girl who was diagnosed with promyelocytic leukemia at a young age. She is the older sister o...
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Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters.

Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters.

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0 comments on Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper) as Come to Your Senses - tick, tick... BOOM! in Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters.

Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper) has been suggested by fans for 34 roles on myCast, including Oldest Child (Honourific) in Characters Sorted By Sibling Order. Similar actors include Anna Fitzgerald, Maria Robotnik, and Mila (The Music of the Dolphins). Kate Fitzgerald (My Sister's Keeper) was suggested to play Come to Your Senses - tick, tick... BOOM! in Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters. by connieblackwood. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Kairi, Wendy Darling, and Kiara. Popular songs that remind me of fictional characters. has 854 roles, including Pretty Girls - Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea, Wicked Girls - Seanan McGuire, and Brown Skin Girl - Beyoncé.

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