“Primos” is a coming-of-age animated comedy that follows Tater Ramirez Humphrey, an eccentric girl with big dreams, determined to find what makes her extraordinary. When her 12 chaotic cousins (“primos” in Spanish) move in for the summer, they help her discover her true self.
Fan Casting
Tater Ramírez-Humphrey
LotLot Ramirez
Gordita Humphrey
Cousin Bud Humphrey
Lita Perez
Scooter Perez
Nellie Ramirez-Humphrey
Big Nacho and Nachito Ramirez
Tere, Tabi, and Toñita Ramirez
ChaCha Ramirez
Lucita Perez
Big Nacho Ramirez
Nachito Ramirez
Gwennifer Malfeo
Serena (Primos)
Tere Ramirez
Tabi Ramirez
Toñita Ramirez
Bud Humphrey Ramirez
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