The Fantastic Four encounter a bizarre, playful alien that starts wreaking havoc on New York City. As they search for it, they discover that it is also being hunted by both Sue’s father, S.W.O.R.D. scientist Franklin Storm, and the king of Latveria, Reed’s former colleague Victor Von more
The Fantastic Four encounter a bizarre, playful alien that starts wreaking havoc on New York City. As they search for it, they discover that it is also being hunted by both Sue’s father, S.W.O.R.D. scientist Franklin Storm, and the king of Latveria, Reed’s former colleague Victor Von Doom.
Von Doom has been sheltering the siblings Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, who he introduces to his colleagues: Whitney Frost, Dr. Samuel Sterns, Baron Helmut Zemo, and Dr. Monica Rappaccini.
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