Fan Casting Predators as What if Alien vs Predator came out in the 90's? in Fanscription

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on August 18, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Predators as What if Alien vs Predator came out in the 90's? in Fanscription


The Yautja, more popularly known as the Predators, are an alien race and the main antagonists of the Predator film series. They also appear as anti-heroes in the Aliens vs. Predator franchise. T...
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by Channel Awesome
The show at Channel Awesome where they take movies, fix them their own special way, and also theorize what would happen if this happened. A majority of roles you see are original made by us while t...
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Predators has been suggested by fans for 23 roles on myCast, including What if EVERYONE WAS HERE in Secret Wars? in Fanscription. Similar actors include Xenomorphs, The Daleks, and Darkseid. Predators was suggested to play What if Alien vs Predator came out in the 90's? in Fanscription by tomzillawash3r3. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Tom Woodruff Jr., Carrie Henn, and Bill Paxton. Fanscription has 1615 roles, including What if EVERYONE WAS HERE in Secret Wars?, What if Multiversus was Complete?, and What if there were More Characters in Once Upon a Studio?.

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