Fan Casting Rashida Jones as Mutnefret in Exodus: Kings will fall

diogoaraujo made this fan casting suggestion on December 11, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Rashida Jones as Mutnefret in Exodus: Kings will fall

Rashida JonesUnited States

49 years old
Rashida Leah Jones (born February 25, 1976) is an American actress, writer, and producer. She is known for starring as Ann Perkins on the NBC comedy series Parks and Recreation (2009–2015), for whi...
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Exodus: Kings will fall

Exodus: Kings will fall

by Diogo Araújo
This miniseries tells the story of Moses in a way that is visually stunning as in "Exodus: Gods and Kings" and with a big hearth as in "The Prince of Egypt". Following a more coherent historical na...
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Rashida Jones is known for her roles in Friends with Benefits, Inside Out, and The Social Network. She has been suggested by fans for 761 roles on myCast, including Desiree & Stella Vignes in The Vanishing Half. Similar actors include Aubrey Plaza, Alison Brie, and Rosario Dawson. Rashida Jones was suggested to play Mutnefret in Exodus: Kings will fall by diogoaraujo. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Isis Valverde and Alba Flores. Exodus: Kings will fall has 21 roles, including Composer, Tziporah, and Hatshepsut.

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