On an Earth where time progressed naturally into the Flashpoint timeline, Thomas Wayne fights crime, neutral towards the Amazonian-Atlantean war. He later finds an Amazon girl named Troia, who reveals to him that the Joker might be manipulating the war. The two look for the Joker, hitching a ride with pirates (Deathstroke, Clayface, Blackguard). An attack by Garth leaves Thomas and Troia as the only survivors. They soon find the resistance (Vertigo, Selina, Mirror Master). They learn Joker was indeed manipulating the war. Thomas tries to appeal to his former wife, only for Queen Diana to kill her. Batman, Troia, and Selina manage to kill Diana, and they decide to continue fighting.
Iman Vellani
Melissa Barrera
Brendan Fraser
Tony Dalton
Gillian Jacobs
Keegan-Michael Key
Hannah John-Kamen
Dan Stevens
Rupert Friend
Idris Elba
Anthony Ramos
Susan Kelechi Watson
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