Fan Casting Armen Nahapetian as Liroy Saint Germain in El Vals de la Bruja
elmacho made this fan casting suggestion on August 13, 2023. What do you think?See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.
Armen Nahapetian
17 years old
Huntington Beach native Armen Nahapetian's star is quickly on the rise in the entertainment industry with a growing list of impressive roles in both film and television at just 16 years old. Armen ...
LONDRES, 1895.
Todo indicaba que podría ser una noche más en la Academia Covenant, cuando Eliza Kyteler y Kate Saint Germain, dos jóvenes Sangre Negra, deciden despertar a todos los muertos del...
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