Role added by toonking1985 on March 11, 2021
These are the inhabitants of the world that Briana's doodles come from which is like a refuge for all types of doodles and creations rather they are just drawings, for paintings, for movies, for shows, for literature, for comics, for art, for video games, for cartoons, for anime, etc.. When something is created by someone with all of their heart then that doodle is given a soul (like the main six doodles) but if this doodle is created by someone whose heart is in a dark place then that doodle is becomes a dark doodle (like Lord Xenofright and Claudius).
Film Camera
Tropical Turtle
Mr. Caterpillar
Old Goat
What Not
Boris the Boogeyman
Chef Flame Mignon
Pachycephalosaurus Boxer
Mr. Builder Bear
Jack in the Box
Jamaican Palm Tree
French Painter
Fortune Teller Ball
Oak Tree
Fire Hydrant
Roller Ducks
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