Fan Casting Fox Broadcasting Company as Showrunner(s) of Doctor Who (Season Two)

ringothedrummer made this fan casting suggestion on August 14, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Fox Broadcasting Company as Showrunner(s) in Doctor Who (Season Two)

Fox Broadcasting Company

53 years old
The Fox Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcast over-the-air television network that is a flagship property of the Fox Corporation.
See Profile
Doctor Who (Season Two)

Doctor Who (Season Two)

by BBC
The Doctor returns on more adventures through space and time, but this time, a certain old enemy returns.
See Story

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Fox Broadcasting Company has been suggested by fans for 15 roles on myCast, including Network in X-Men (2000's) TV show. Similar people include American Broadcasting Company, CBS Studios, and BBC. Fox Broadcasting Company was suggested to play Showrunner(s) in Doctor Who (Season Two) by ringothedrummer. Other people sugggested to play this role include BBC. Doctor Who (Season Two) has 12 roles, including The Daleks, Lora-Ve, and Greta Braun.

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More Fan Casting Suggestions for Showrunner(s) in Doctor Who (Season Two)