Treasure Planet is a 2002 American animated science fiction action-adventure film[2] produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The 43rd Disney animated feature film, it is a science fiction adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's adventure novel Treasure Island (1883), and it is at least the third retelling of the story in an outer space setting, following The Treasure Planet (1982) and the miniseries Treasure Island in Outer Space (1987).[3] It is the third Disney adaptation of the novel, following Treasure Island (1950) and Muppet Treasure Island (1996).
Fan Casting
Captain Nathaniel Flint
B.E.N. (Treasure Planet)
Dr. Delbert Doppler (Treasure Planet)
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Long John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Captain Amelia
Mr. Arrow (Treasure Planet)
Sarah Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Billy Bones (Treasure Planet)
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