The Little Mermaid is a 1989 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 28th Disney animated feature film, it is loosely based on the 1837 Danish fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. The film tells the story of a teenage mermaid princess named Ariel, who dreams of becoming human and falls in love with a human prince named Eric, which leads her to make a magic deal with the sea witch, Ursula, to become human and be with him. The Little Mermaid was written and directed by John Musker and Ron Clements and produced by Musker and Howard Ashman, who also wrote the film's songs with Alan Menken.
Fan Casting
Morgana (Disney)
Perla (The Little Mermaid)
Prince Eric
King Triton
Flotsam and Jetsam
Max (The Little Mermaid)
The Seahorse Herald
Chef Louis
Glut the Shark
Tip and Dash
Alana (The Little Mermaid)
Adella (The Little Mermaid)
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