Star vs. the Forces of Evil is an American animated magical girl television series created by Daron Nefcy and developed by Jordana Arkin and Dave Wasson, which aired on Disney Channel and Disney XD. The series follows the adventures of Star Butterfly (voiced by Eden Sher), the young turbulent heir to the royal throne in the dimension of Mewni, who is sent to Earth to mellow her reckless behavior.
Fan Casting
Toffee (Star Vs The Forces of Evil)
Kelly (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Higgs (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Pony Head
Jeremy Birnbaum
Alfonzo Dolittle
Ferguson O'durguson
Ludo's Army
Eclipsa Butterfly
Moon Butterfly
Angie Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Brittney Wong
Justin Armberg
Sabrina Backintosh
Hope Hadley
Chelsea McNelsey
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