Robin Hood is a 1973 American-British animated adventure musical comedy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by Buena Vista Distribution, based on the English folk tale of the same name with the characters reimagined as anthropomorphic animals. Produced and directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, it is the 21st Disney animated feature film and the first entirely "post-Walt" animated feature. The story follows the adventures of Robin Hood, Little John, and the inhabitants of Nottingham as they fight against the excessive taxation of Prince John, and Robin Hood wins the hand of Maid Marian.
Fan Casting
Sir Hiss
Robin Hood
Little John
Friar Tuck
Prince John
Maid Marian
Lady Kluck
Sheriff of Nottingham
Trigger & Nutsy
Toby Turtle
Rhino Guards
King Richard (Robin Hood)
Sis (Robin Hood)
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