Oliver & Company is a 1988 American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released on November 18, 1988, by Walt Disney Pictures. The 27th Disney animated feature film, it is loosely based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. In the film, Oliver is a homeless kitten who joins a gang of dogs to survive in the streets. Among other changes, the setting of the film was relocated from 19th century London to 1980s New York City, Fagin's gang is made up of dogs (one of which is Dodger), and Sykes is a loan shark.
Fan Casting
Rita (Oliver and Company)
Jenny Foxworth
Bill Sykes (Oliver and Company)
Oliver (Oliver & Company)
Einstein (Oliver & Company)
Francis (Oliver & Company)
Winston (Oliver and Company)
Fagin (Oliver & Company)
Roscoe and DeSoto
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