Meet the Robinsons is a 2007 American computer-animated science-fiction comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The 47th animated film produced by the studio, it is loosely based on the 1990 children's book A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce. The film follows the interactions between Lewis, an orphaned 12-year-old inventor desperate to be adopted, and Wilbur Robinson, a young time-traveler who is trying to prevent a mysterious bowler-hatted man from changing Lewis' story, and, by proxy, the entire future.
Fan Casting
Wilbur Robinson
Lewis Robinson
Bowler Hat Guy
Frankie (Meet the Robinsons)
Tiny the T-Rex
Franny Robinson
Mildred Duffy
Carl (Meet the Robinsons)
Bud Robinson
Lucille Krunklehorn-Robinson
Art Framagucci
Gaston Framagucci
Tallulah Robinson
Spike and Dimitri Robinson
Laszlo Robinson
Joe Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)
Billie Robinson
Fritz Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)
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