Descendants is a 2015 American musical fantasy adventure-comedy television film directed and choreographed by Kenny Ortega. The film stars Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Booboo Stewart, and Cameron Boyce as the teenage children of Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella de Vil, respectively. The film follows these teenagers adjusting to life outside their island prison, while on a mission to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand and free their parents from captivity. It debuted on July 31, 2015, as a Disney Channel Original Movie, to positive reviews and 6.6 million viewers.
Fan Casting
Evie (Descendants)
Jane (Descendants)
Carlos (Descendants)
Lonnie (Descendants)
King Ben (Descendants)
Gil (Descendants)
Red (Descendants)
Chloe (Descendants)
Mal "Maleficent" Bertha
Jay (Descendants)
Audrey Rose
Uma (Descendants)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Queen of Hearts
The Beast
Dr. Facilier
Queen Leah
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