Fan Casting Mic Conway as Wags the Dog in Disney's The Wiggles

isaacjenkin made this fan casting suggestion on August 11, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Mic Conway as Wags the Dog in Disney's The Wiggles

Mic ConwayAustralia

73 years old
"Mic Conway" is one of Australia's finest children's entertainers and has been successful with music since the 1970s, when he was in The Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band with his brother, Jim. Wiggle...
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Disney's The Wiggles

Disney's The Wiggles

by The Wiggles
This is what The Wiggles looked like if they were on the Disney channel.
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0 comments on Mic Conway as Wags the Dog in Disney's The Wiggles

Mic Conway has been suggested by fans for 6 roles on myCast, including Wags the Dog in The Wiggles:Hoop Dee Doo: It's a Wiggly Party (2012). Similar actors include Jeff Fatt, Paul Paddick, and Steve Morris. Mic Conway was suggested to play Wags the Dog in Disney's The Wiggles by isaacjenkin. Disney's The Wiggles has 14 roles, including Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry the Octopus, and Captain Feathersword.

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