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Fan Casting Tiana

Role added by ailmohammad on April 20, 2019

Description of Tiana:

From early in the film, it is revealed that Tiana is a natural expert in the culinary arts.



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Physical Appearance of Tiana
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    Black / African Descent
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    United States

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21 comments on Tiana

  • wefoundwonderland vote for who really looks like the character... not the ones you love...

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  • borrowedlimbs when will people stop trying to cast lightskin actors as darkskin characters

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  • pickle1010 WHO PUT RYAN GOSLINGS???

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    • sethzarandona   @pickle1010 Some racist jacka$$ who wanted to go "Lol look at me casting a white person as Tiana because I'm so mad over a black mermaid." They know whitewashing inherently different from race-swapping a "white" character whose race plays no role in the story, and they don't care. It's just their current excuse to scream their racism to the heavens.
    • dilares   @sethzarandona In fact, race and appearance play an important role in the story. Why can't you treat Ryan's casting as a joke? Or do you not have a sense of humor? And besides, changing the skin color of a white character and making him black is racist to both blacks and whites. It's dumb. People care a lot about changing the skin color of white characters right now
    • sethzarandona   @dilares You’re very bent on making crap up. The story of The Little Mermaid? Is that really the story where “race plays an important role?” Dude, her story had nothing to do with being white, it’s about being a mermaid LMFAO. And the Ryan thing, y’all do it out of spite, that’s why the joke isn’t funny. If a character’s skin color does not factor into the story, then anyone can play that character. But you know this. You’re just trying to gaslight and cry about a black girl playing an iconic role.
  • thewickedmerman It's absolutely sickening that people aren't even trying to choose actresses that actually look like Tiana but rather biracial women and the most insulting option being Zendaya, who is somehow in second place.

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  • sethzarandona Who’s the troll who suggested ANYA TAYLOR-JOY??? Tiana’s blackness is actually important to her story, unlike half of the white princesses like, say, Ariel (who can ABSOLUTELY be played by an actress of ANY race). I also agree that Zendaya should very much not be here. I love her, but she’s literally half-white.

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  • kevsperling I personally think Zendaya would be perfect for the role, she's a singer, a dancer, and is very talented. If she gets the part, I want Lil Nas X to be Naveen. They would be a perfect Disney couple.
  • sethzarandona Anya Taylor-Joy was obviously a troll suggestion. Tiana’s race is actually important to the story (half of her dilemmas being passed over for a job opportunity because she’s black, in the South, in the 1920’s), and if you look it up, she was based on a real-life black woman who opened one of the first non-segregated restaurants in USA history. This is nothing like making Ariel black or one version because Ariel’s race isn’t a contributing factor in the story. If you really want to play the “what if we made this black character white” card, at least choose a black character whose race isn’t important to the story, like the Muses from Hercules or something. Besides, Anya Taylor Joy would NEVER agree to whitewashing the first ever black Disney Princess. But you people know this and don't care. This is just you people's current excuse to flaunt your racist crap.
  • isabellahurunui Come on guys give Zendaya a chance…. She’s already being made into he live action Moana LoL
  • edgardowolf I’ve always loved Disney princesses, especially their dreamy, nature-filled worlds! Whether it’s Snow White surrounded by animals in the forest or Pocahontas among the trees, their connection with nature is so magical. It actually reminded me of the need to keep our own yards a bit more maintained like my local tree service, They’re great for managing overgrowth and keeping things looking neat, just like those enchanted forests.
  • jackspa35542 Streç film, genellikle polietilen malzemeden üretilen, ince, esnek ve yapışkan özelliklere sahip bir ambalaj malzemesidir. Bu film, gıda saklama, taşıma ve paketleme gibi birçok alanda yaygın olarak kullanılır. Yüzeyinin hafif yapışkan olması sayesinde üzerine sarıldığı ürünlere kolayca tutunur ve dış etkenlerden korur. Şeffaf yapısı sayesinde, sarılan ürünün içeriği kolayca görülebilir. Bu özellik, özellikle gıda sektöründe hijyen ve görsellik açısından büyük bir avantaj sağlar. Gıda Saklama ve Hijyen Streç film, gıda maddelerinin taze kalmasını sağlamak için ideal bir çözümdür. Hava geçirmez yapısı, yiyeceklerin hava ile temasını en aza indirir ve bozulmalarını geciktirir. Meyve, sebze, peynir ve pişmiş yemekler gibi birçok ürünün üzerini sararak buzdolabında uzun süre saklanmasını mümkün kılar. Ayrıca, mikropların ve dış etkenlerin gıdaya bulaşmasını önleyerek hijyenik bir ortam oluşturur. Streç film, piknik, davet veya restoran gibi toplu yemek hazırlıklarında da sıkça tercih edilir. Taşıma ve Endüstriyel Kullanım Evdeki gıda saklamanın yanı sıra, streç film endüstriyel alanlarda da önemli bir rol oynar. Özellikle taşımacılık ve depolama süreçlerinde, ürünlerin güvenli bir şekilde paketlenmesi ve taşınması için kullanılır. Paletli ürünlerin dağılmasını önlemek ve dış etkenlerden korumak amacıyla geniş ölçülerde streç film tercih edilir. Ayrıca, mobilya ve elektronik gibi hassas ürünlerin taşınması sırasında çizilmelere karşı koruma sağlar. Hem ekonomik hem de çevre dostu alternatifleri bulunan streç film, günlük hayatın vazgeçilmez yardımcılarından biridir.