Fan Casting Onward as Disney Pixar in Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst

user_131244 made this fan casting suggestion on August 25, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Onward as Disney Pixar in Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst


In a magical realm where technological advances have taken over, Ian and Barley, two elven brothers, set out on an epic adventure to resurrect their late father for a day.
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Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst

Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst

WDAS, Pixar and more
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Onward has been suggested by fans for 95 roles on myCast, including Tom Holland in Things these actors have been in. Similar actors include Inside Out, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo. Onward was suggested to play Disney Pixar in Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst by user_131244. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Monsters Inc., Toy Story, and Cars 2. Disney Animation: From the Best to the Worst has 26 roles, including Best Villain, Mickey Mouse & Friends, and Disney Classics (NO PIXAR).

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