Pocahontas is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1995 animated feature film of the same name. She is the daughter of Chief Powhatan, the leader of a Native American tribe in Virginia. With a willfully bold spirit, she formed a forbidden friendship with an English settler named John Smith, with whom she would fall in love. Unfortunately, a difference in values sparks a war between the natives and settlers, endangering her home. Inspired by her love for Smith, she is driven to bring peace and unity to the two worlds before a battle can unfold.
Fan Casting
Irene Bedard
Judy Kuhn
Jessica Biel
Carla Castañeda
Canick Hermans
Andrea Murucci
Ilaria Stagni
Mathilda May
Małgorzata Foremniak
Guri Schanke
Sinjai Plengpanich
Stephanie Martin
Laura Torres
Kika Tristão
Katarzyna Tararak
Susana Zabaleta
Edyta Górniak
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