Kristoff Bjorgman is the tritagonist of Disney's 2013 animated feature film Frozen, and a major character in its 2019 sequel. He is a Sámi outdoorsman that worked as an ice harvester with his reindeer Sven. Having been an orphan who was raised by a colony of trolls in the mountains, Kristoff was initially wary of humans, believing them to be untrustworthy, cheating crooks. His outlook would slowly change upon meeting Princess Anna, whose warmheartedness would prove that people aren't as bad as Kristoff believed.
Fan Casting
Jonathan Groff
Jelani Alladin
Tyree Brown
Scott Michael Foster
Joshua Bassett
Vegard Bjørsmo
Kenneth M. Christensen
Benja Bruijning
Donald Reignoux
Fívos Riménas
Gilan Shahaf
Sanket Mhatre
Ari Wibowo
Paolo De Santis
Raphael Rossatto
Diogo Morgado
Ivan Bosiljčić
Juraj Kemka
José Gilberto Vilchis
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