Fan CastingDino Tales: The Animated Series
Directed By Jon Favreau and Steven Spielberg
by Netflix, Hulu, Paramount Plus,, HBO MAX and Apple TV
Story added by jacobtolentino on July 3, 2023
Dino Tales is an Animated Series directed by Jon Favreau and Steven Spielberg the Director of The Jungle Book, The Lion King, Jaws and Jurassic Park. A Green Male Tyrannosaurus Rex named Timmy (Robert Tinkler), a Green Female Parasaurolophus Walkeri named Pamela Walters (Amanda Seyfried), A Red Triceratops Prorsus named Trent (Dwayne The Rock Johnson) and a Yellow female Spinosaurus named Stella (Jessica Keenan Wynn) who enjoy their lives by being friends with each other, living on the HUGEST Island in the North Pacific called “Prehistoric Island (The home of Dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts)”. Timmy, Pamela, Trent and Stella more
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