Fan Casting Guilmon as Obtainable Digimon (Rookie) in Digimon World Eclipse

tildeheart made this fan casting suggestion on May 9, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Guilmon as Obtainable Digimon (Rookie) in Digimon World Eclipse


Guilmon is a Reptile Digimon. It has an appearance like a dinosaur that still retains its youth. Although it is still a Rookie, its potential as a "Combat Species", something which all Digimon natu...
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Digimon World Eclipse

Digimon World Eclipse

Hypothetical Sequel to Digimon World Dawn/Dusk
by Bandai Namco
Some time has passed since the defeat of Grimmon and the Chrono Core, and the Digital World has finally found some peace. Both Light Fang and Night Claw have continued their friendly rivalry as the...
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0 comments on Guilmon as Obtainable Digimon (Rookie) in Digimon World Eclipse

Guilmon has been suggested by fans for 17 roles on myCast, including Digimon in Fictional Character Face Claims from Each Media. Similar actors include Agumon, Gabumon, and Veemon. Guilmon was suggested to play Obtainable Digimon (Rookie) in Digimon World Eclipse by tildeheart. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Veemon, Agumon, and Biyomon. Digimon World Eclipse has 271 roles, including Obtainable Digimon (Mega), Obtainable Digimon (Champion), and Obtainable Digimon (Ultimate).

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