Fan Casting Doug Jones as Boston Brand in DCEU Rebooted

bmundie72 made this fan casting suggestion on February 20, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Doug Jones as Boston Brand in DCEU Rebooted

Doug JonesUnited States

64 years old
Doug Jones (born May 24, 1960) is an American actor, contortionist, and mime artist. He is best known for portraying non-human creatures, usually via heavy make-up and visual effects. He has most n...
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Fan Casting

Doug Jones


Boston Brand (Deadman)


DCEU Rebooted

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DCEU Rebooted

DCEU Rebooted

DCEU Rebooted
by DC Comics
This is a full reboot for the DCEU so no previous actors from the original universe
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Doug Jones is known for his roles in The Shape of Water, Pan's Labyrinth, and Men in Black II. He has been suggested by fans for 3,741 roles on myCast, including Best in Best & Worst Comic Book Castings. Similar actors include Willem Dafoe, Andy Serkis, and Bill Skarsgård. Doug Jones was suggested to play Boston Brand in DCEU Rebooted by bmundie72. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Jason Statham, Zac Efron, and Rami Malek. DCEU Rebooted has 3153 roles, including Batman, Joker, and Poison Ivy.

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