Fan CastingDc's The Fallout: Season 1 Episode 2
Take me to your Leader
by Underworld Productions
Story added by underworld_studios on June 18, 2023
The episode opens as a somewhat sickly and scrawny man is carried into a room where he is locked up and left. We see the man who put him in there Mirror Master talking with his boss who is revealed to be Captain Cold. Cold tells Mirror Master that they can't keep the subject on the surface for too long and that they need to bring him underground so that he can't get exposed to the sun. Cold later meets with his team the Rouges who now consist of Cold, Mirror Master, Malcolm Merlyn, Wally West, Deadshot, and Black Spider. The team talks about what they're going to do with the subject and Wally suggests they trap him in the Speed Force. The more
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