Struck by the same lightning bolt that turned his uncle Barry Allen into the Flash, Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West took the name Kid Flash and became Barry's sidekick and the member of the Teen Titans. Eventually, Wally became the Flash to honor his uncle's memory, who died saving the Universe. He also became a member of the Justice League. He married a woman named Linda Park and had two kids, Jai and Iris West II. Currently, Wally was pulled from the Speed Force by Barry and is one of two fastest men alive.
Fan Casting
Colin Ford
Michael Provost
Rudy Pankow
K.J. Apa
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Henry Lawfull
Chosen Jacobs
Jason Spisak
Ty Simpkins
Jack Quaid
Cameron Monaghan
Caleb McLaughlin
Froy Gutierrez
Anton Yelchin
Miles Brown
Nico Greetham
Garren Stitt
Ryan Garcia
Cody Christian
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