After being unleashed from the Late Domain by Zack Bryjak, the evil Zandevious embarks on a mission to reshape the Multiverse in his image - one without heroes. As the fate of Extravía hangs in the balance, David and Noah must rally their forces, the Marvel and DC Superheroes, and the Stars Squad for one last showdown against their most powerful more
After being unleashed from the Late Domain by Zack Bryjak, the evil Zandevious embarks on a mission to reshape the Multiverse in his image - one without heroes. As the fate of Extravía hangs in the balance, David and Noah must rally their forces, the Marvel and DC Superheroes, and the Stars Squad for one last showdown against their most powerful enemy.
A DC Comics superhero and one of the Princesses of Extravía, she is an Amazonian warrior, the crown princess of Themyscira, and a member of the Justice League.
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