Fan Casting Gael Sanchez as Bruno Aguilera López in Como la vida misma (México)

piachannel made this fan casting suggestion on March 19, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Gael Sanchez as Bruno Aguilera López in Como la vida misma (México)

Gael SanchezMexico

20 years old
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Como la vida misma (México)

Como la vida misma (México)

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by Marcelo Castañón y Valentina Pollarolo
Soledad García y Alonso Valdés son una pareja que inicia una vida en común, luego de haberse conocido por la aplicación de citas Tinder. El ingeniero y la diseñadora de vestuario, tendrán la misión...
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Gael Sanchez has been suggested by fans for 21 roles on myCast, including Voice Actors from Miami in Voice Actor Face Claims . Similar actors include Emilio Osorio, Iñaki Godoy, and Michael Ronda. Gael Sanchez was suggested to play Bruno Aguilera López in Como la vida misma (México) by piachannel. Other actors sugggested to play this role include José Manuel Alanís and Emiliano Gonzalez. Como la vida misma (México) has 23 roles, including Carol Morales García, Joselo Morales García, and Damián Morales García.

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