Fan CastingCivil War: Part One (New Animated Film)
55th film in the Marvel Animated Cinematic Extended Universe
by Disney & Marvel Animation
Story added by spidersonicprime on September 14, 2024
After an explosion during a battle against Lucia von Bardas in retaliation against an unsanctioned attack in Latveria started by Nick Fury costs the deaths of so many people, the public begins to doubt super heroes. Fury is blamed for the incident, but manages to escape arrest. Senator Dell Rusk proposes the Superhuman Registration Act, which requires all super heroes to work for the government. Heroes such as Iron Man, Yellowjacket, & Mr. Fantastic support this Act believing they need to be put in check to prevent anymore deaths, while heroes such as Captain America, Falcon, & Luke Cage oppose it. Some heroes choose to retire. Spider-Man more
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