Story added by user_1372 on February 10, 2019
Veruca Salt is a greedy, demanding, manipulative and stingy brat and one of the four main antagonists of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She demands every single thing she wants (and more), the second person to find a Golden Ticket and the third eliminated from the tour. A selfish, rotten brat who shows her wealthy family no mercy and has absolutely no regard for other people's property, Veruca frequently pesters her parents to purchase a variety of different objects for her, when the tour reached the Nut Room—a room where trained squirrels test each nut if it is good or bad by tapping them with their knuckles, and Veruca demands her parents to buy one for herself, Wonka refused, so she goes in and get one for herself, but the squirrels grabbed her and demands her a bad nut, after that, both she and her parents are thrown down the garbage chute, all three Salts are seen exiting the factory "covered in garbage". In the 1971 film adaptation, Veruca has a fiery temper, rudely demands various desires nonstop, brags about her wealth, and chastises anyone who questions her. In this film it is not squirrels but geese that lay special golden chocolate-filled eggs for Easter, one of which she demands as a new pet. She and Violet, in this film, bicker on two occasions. Veruca is eliminated at the end of her musical number in the film ("[I Want it Now]") after climbing a machine designed to tell whether or not the geese's eggs are "good" or "bad" eggs, and it judges her as a bad one. Her father then follows and is also deemed bad. In the Tom and Jerry version of the 1971 film, Veruca and her father manage to escape the furnace right before it ignites while trapping Tom inside. Veruca demands to be taken home and have her father make her a different chocolate factory, but Mr. Salt, having had enough of Veruca's spoiled and selfish behavior, finally decides to discipline her as the near-death experience seems to have finally gotten to him. In the 2005 film adaptation, Veruca's elimination remains virtually the same as in the book, with only a few changes made. Her demeanor is less vehement, but more obnoxious, compared to the 1971 version. In the 2005 film, it is revealed that she owns a pony, two dogs, four cats, six rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a parrot, a turtle, and a hamster, totalling up to 21 pets. But when she interferes with the trained squirrels used by Willy Wonka to select the best nuts to bake into chocolate bars, she is judged as a "bad nut" by the squirrels and discarded into the adjacent 'garbage chute' and her dad being with her follows suit. Both are later seen leaving the factory "covered in garbage". When she sees the Glass Elevator, she asks her dad to buy her one; However, her father, having learned a good parenting lesson from the Oompa-Loompas and finally realizing how much he has spoiled her, sternly tells her that she will only be getting a bath that day instead, and shoots her a fierce glare for trying to argue any further, causing her to remain silent but sulk. Her nationality was never specified in Dahl's novel, but she hails from an upper-class family in the United Kingdom in both films. In the 2013 Sam Mendes London musical, Veruca Salt is a British billionaire's daughter, dressed in a pink ballerina tutu and baby seal fur coat - "clubbed and tickled pink". Her father, Sir Robert Salt, is portrayed as a spineless dolt for giving his daughter her wishes. In the Nut Sorting Room, Veruca runs foul of the nut-testing squirrels who deem her a 'bad nut' when she tries to steal one. This summons oversized squirrels with Oompa Loompas riding on their backs. They sing a nightmarish ballet "[Veruca's Nutcracker Sweet]" that concludes with Veruca and her father sent down the garbage chute; it has similar lyrics to the original book-although in the book version both of Veruca parents follow her down the garbage chute. In the Broadway version, Veruca's nationality is changed to Russian, and the squirrels tear her apart limb by limb, but Wonka assures the group that the Ooompa-Loompas will be able to put her back together.
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