Fan Casting Laura (Y2K) as Choices in Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s

paristhefilmgirl made this fan casting suggestion on December 12, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Laura (Y2K) as Choices in Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s

Laura (Y2K)United States

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Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s

Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s

Inspired by chris83
Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s
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0 comments on Laura (Y2K) as Choices in Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s

Laura (Y2K) has been suggested by fans for 16 roles on myCast, including Selena Gomez in Which characters should actors have played in the 2010s?. Similar actors include Laura Palmer, Laura Kearney, and Laura Lizzie. Laura (Y2K) was suggested to play Choices in Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s by paristhefilmgirl. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Nicole Herrera, Tara Carpenter, and Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz).

More Fan Casting Suggestions for Choices in Characters Salma Hayek should have played in the 1980s