A sword is an edged, bladed weapon intended for manual cutting or thrusting. Its blade, longer than a knife or dagger, is attached to a hilt and can be straight or curved. A thrusting sword tends to have a straighter blade with a pointed tip. A slashing sword is more likely to be curved and to have a sharpened cutting edge on one or both sides of the blade. Many swords are designed for both thrusting and slashing. The precise definition of a sword varies by historical epoch and geographic region.
Fan Casting
King Arthur
Prince Phillip
Fa Mulan
Percy Jackson
Arthur Pendragon
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)
Cassandra (Tangled: The Series)
Emerald Goldenbraid
Sonic the Hedgehog
Moana (Disney Mirrorverse)
Antoine Depardieu
Jason Lee Scott/Red Mighty Morphin Ranger
Rocky DeSantos/Red Mighty Morphin Ranger
Tommy Oliver/Red Zeo Ranger
T.J. Johnson/Red Turbo Ranger
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