Fan Casting Doc (Snow White) as German in Fictional Characters by Language Spoken

connieblackwood made this fan casting suggestion on June 21, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Doc (Snow White) as German in Fictional Characters by Language Spoken

Doc (Snow White)Germany

Doc is a fictional character from Disney's 1937 animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He is one of the seven dwarfs and is the self-appointed leader of them. Doc is an intelligent ...
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Fictional Characters by Language Spoken

Fictional Characters by Language Spoken

(Other than the language the work is in)
by i wanna sort characters too
because sorting is FUN / This is for characters that can speak Languages *other* than the one spoken in the majority of the work they come from - for example, a character from a Japanese anime is s...
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0 comments on Doc (Snow White) as German in Fictional Characters by Language Spoken

Doc (Snow White) has been suggested by fans for 26 roles on myCast, including Disney Characters Featured in Barney Goes to Walt Disney World. Similar actors include Sneezy, Grumpy, and Sleepy. Doc (Snow White) was suggested to play German in Fictional Characters by Language Spoken by connieblackwood. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Alex Munday, Grumpy, and Sasha Waybright. Fictional Characters by Language Spoken has 55 roles, including French, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese.

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