Fan Casting Rae Sloane as Galactic Empire in Characters Sorted by Groups

jamesstorey made this fan casting suggestion on November 14, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Rae Sloane as Galactic Empire in Characters Sorted by Groups

Rae Sloane

Rae Sloane was a vice admiral in the Galactic Empire’s navy.
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Characters Sorted by Groups

Characters Sorted by Groups

The Sorting Saga
by Teamwork
So basically this is gonna be sorting fictional characters into groups/teams/associations of any sort they were apart of during their respective canon. Make sure to clarify for teams with multiple ...
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0 comments on Rae Sloane as Galactic Empire in Characters Sorted by Groups

Rae Sloane has been suggested by fans for 3 roles on myCast, including Rae Sloane in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. Similar actors include Kyle katarn, Orson Krennic, and Arihnda Pryce. Rae Sloane was suggested to play Galactic Empire in Characters Sorted by Groups by jamesstorey. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Emperor Palpatine, Han Solo, and Darth Vader. Characters Sorted by Groups has 161 roles, including Assassins (Assassins Creed), The Avengers (Comics), and The Jedi Order.

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