Fan Casting
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
Historical figures
Celebrities and things you want to see parodied in South Park
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eclipsestarling made this fan casting suggestion on May 5, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.
Fan casting suggestion made by:
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots has been suggested by fans for 12 roles on myCast, including Queens in United Kingdom . Similar actors include Anne Boleyn, Lady Jane Grey, and Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots was suggested to play Historical figures in Celebrities and things you want to see parodied in South Park by eclipsestarling. Other actors sugggested to play this role include J. Robert Oppenheimer, Winston Churchill, and Che Guevara. Celebrities and things you want to see parodied in South Park has 11 roles, including Others, Movies, and Actors/Actresses.
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1 comment on Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots as Historical figures in Celebrities and things you want to see parodied in South Park
May 27, '23
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