Fan CastingCaptain Britain (MCU Disney + Series / Film series)
Story added by lucasiglesias on May 7, 2024
MCU series or film series based on the CB character and supporting cast. Themes of Otherworld and it's connection to the multiverse, the MI13 and STRIKE Psi Division are touched upon, but simplified. The main villains for the first arc will be the Vixen and Slaymaster, then build up to an adapatation of Mad Jim Jaspers and the Fury storyline.
Possible connections to the mutant and mystic side of the rest of the MCU, leading to Excalibur as a spin off series.
Tonally it should balance the magic and more "real world" stuff like it was done in Shang-Chi.
Note: Besty is pre body swap. The body swap would be avoided completely more
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