Fan Casting Lyla Barrett-Rye as Beatrice Trudeau in Bully

shaderade made this fan casting suggestion on January 31, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Lyla Barrett-Rye as Beatrice Trudeau in Bully

Lyla Barrett-RyeUnited Kingdom

18 years old
Lyla Barrett-Rye was born on the 20th January 2006. She is mostly known for her role of Princess Anne in Netlifx's 'The Crown'. She also has a large following on the social media platform 'TikTok'.
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Canis Canem Edit
by Warner Bros.
A 2020 American comedy film following Jimmy Hopkins, the new student at the violent and rowdy Bullworth Academy.
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Lyla Barrett-Rye has been suggested by fans for 13 roles on myCast, including Beatrice Trudeau in Bully. Similar actors include Teagan Croft, Honey Harrison, and Taylor Elwell. Lyla Barrett-Rye was suggested to play Beatrice Trudeau in Bully by shaderade. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Elle Fanning. Bully has 155 roles, including Jimmy Hopkins, Lola Lombardi, and Gary Smith.

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