Fan Casting Gareth Edwards as Director of Bond 26 (James Bond 007)

user_13225 made this fan casting suggestion on February 10, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Gareth Edwards as Director in Bond 26 (James Bond 007)

Gareth EdwardsUnited Kingdom

49 years old
Gareth James Edwards (born 13 July 1975) is a British film director and screenwriter. He gained recognition for Monsters (2010), an independent film in which he served as writer, director, cinemato...
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Bond 26 (James Bond 007)

Bond 26 (James Bond 007)

The name's Bond, James Bond.
by Ian Fleming and EON Productions
Bond 26 is the working title of the upcoming twentieth sixth film of EON Productions with James Bond as protagonist. This film will be a reboot of James Bond film series. Any casting picks for t...
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Gareth Edwards is known for his roles in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Godzilla, and Monsters. He has been suggested by fans for 681 roles on myCast, including Best Director in Best & Worst of Star Wars. Similar people include Guillermo del Toro, Matt Reeves, and Denis Villeneuve. Gareth Edwards was suggested to play Director in Bond 26 (James Bond 007) by user_13225. Other people sugggested to play this role include Christopher Nolan, Denis Villeneuve, and Guy Ritchie. Bond 26 (James Bond 007) has 17 roles, including Bond Villain, Bond Girl 1#, and James Bond.

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