Fan Casting Josh Stewart as Dan in Blind

vadim_havard made this fan casting suggestion on December 24, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Josh Stewart as Dan in Blind

Josh StewartUnited States

48 years old
Joshua Regnall Stewart (born February 6, 1977) is an American actor best known for his role as Holt McLaren in the FX TV series Dirt. He was also cast as Brendan Finney in the final season of the N...
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Fan Casting

Josh Stewart


Dan (Ariel's ex)




by Vadim Havard
Ariel Safranek suffers from having lost her father while playing Colin Maillard's game with him when she was a child: while she was looking for him, he died silently of a heart attack in the corner...
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Josh Stewart is known for his roles in Interstellar, The Dark Knight Rises, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. He has been suggested by fans for 466 roles on myCast, including Actors in Actors and actresses who should be in American Horror Story. Similar actors include Michael Fassbender, Cillian Murphy, and Jon Bernthal. Josh Stewart was suggested to play Dan in Blind by vadim_havard. Blind has 10 roles, including Ariel Safranek, Ava Stamberg, and Ron Allen.

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